Commercial and Residential Property
Le Pine & Co is the largest provider of legal services in the Taupō District
Having provided legal services in the Taupō District and the Central North Island since 1953. Le Pine & Co is a full service firm, providing legal services in most areas of the law. The Le Pine & Co team offer a variety of specialised services from offices in Taupō, Putaruru and Turangi. The team are solution focused and will help unravel the mysteries of the law for you.
Commercial and Residential Property
Property is a big word when it comes to the law. It encompasses the multitude of land transactions people undertake, be it selling, leasing, developing or working land. It encompasses business and companies, the way they are structured and owned, the assets they own. It encompasses family property, whether the concern is safe ownership structures, provision for the next generation or resolving ownership disputes.
Our team will help you buy and sell houses and businesses and deal with subdivisions, commercial and residential land development and construction projects, land boundary issues and leasing. We have expertise in creating and implementing financing and security arrangements.
We provide services for rural and farming transactions and Maori land issues.
We work in the area of property syndication, including farm and commercial. You should see us if thinking of investing through a syndicate.
For overseas people we prepare and manage applications under the Overseas Investment Act both for commercial investment and for lifestyle purchasers.